Town Talk-Feb 4
Janel Donohue and Jim Shelton talked about Rappahannock United Way’s Free Tax Service Program. ruwfreetaxes.org ...Read more
Janel Donohue and Jim Shelton talked about Rappahannock United Way’s Free Tax Service Program. ruwfreetaxes.org ...Read more
Becky Morris with Germanna Community College talks about financial aid workshop “Super Saturday.” Discussions on FAFSA and applying for financial aid. ...Read more
Spotsylvania School Superintendent Dr. Scott Baker and School Board member Amanda Blalock (Lee Hill) talk about the school budget and school calendar. ...Read more
Jeff Fitzpatrick with Blue and Gray Brewing, Stan Johnson and Tim Bornholtz with Adventure Brewing talk about their upcoming purchase of Blue and Gray. ...Read more
Tom Carlson with the Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity and Daniel Bedford with USDA Rural Development talk about a housing loan program. ...Read more
We first met then 18 year old Ceili on September 1st. Ceili and Andie McConnell with the Fairy Godmother Project were guests on Town Talk on News Talk 1230/WFVA. The first thing you noticed was her ...Read more
NPS volunteer Scott Walker and Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Acting Superintendent John Hennessy talk about the importance of volunteers to the park. ...Read more
Registered Dietician Nutrionist Nancy Farrell talks about buying food before a storm, healthy eating in 2016, U-S Dietary guidelines and hosting healthy Super Bowl parties. ...Read more
Special Olympics VA President Rick Jeffrey, Special Olympian Matt Doyle and Area 11 Coordinator Tim Doyle preview the Polar Plunge in Virginia Beach. ...Read more
Spotsylvania Supervisor Chris Yakabouski looks at issues before the county in 2016. ...Read more