Town Talk-May 4
Penny Maas (L), Sherry Haden (R) and Patrick A’Hearn (not pictured) with the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts talk about “The Music of Andrew Lloyd Weber ...Read more
Penny Maas (L), Sherry Haden (R) and Patrick A’Hearn (not pictured) with the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts talk about “The Music of Andrew Lloyd Weber ...Read more
Cassie Kimberlin and Tom Carlson with the Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity. fredhab.org ...Read more
Lynell Kapinos, Andi McConnell and Melanie Nokes talk about the Fairy Godmother Project. fairygodmotherproject.org ...Read more
Fredericksburg Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw. greenlawformayor.com ...Read more
Fredericksburg Mayoral candidate Richard Dynes. makefredbetter.com ...Read more
Christie Hoernerman and Darcie Caswell with the Central Rappahannock Regional Library. ...Read more
Lisa Biever with the Community Foundation talks about the upcoming Community Give. thecommunitygive.org ...Read more
Linda Baer talks about Friends of Chatham and the May Day Garden Party and Art Auction. Sue Henderson talks about summer art camps. ...Read more
Kathy Valentine and Melessa Suder talk about Rappahannock Adult Activities, Mayfest and the plant sales. ...Read more
Dara Dawson and Rebecca Thompson with Engineering for Kids talk about the Stafford Science and Engineering Festival. staffordsciencefest.org ...Read more