Two Larcenies In Fredericksburg. Guard Your Purse/Wallet!


(Fredericksburg)- Don’t be a victim! Two more instances of larcenies in Fredericksburg:

August 28 at Cook Out at noon. The victim reported that she left her purse in the restaurant by accident and when she went back in to retrieve it, her purse was returned to her missing a credit card and her Virginia driver’s license. There are no known witnesses or suspects at this time.

Thursday at Hobby Lobby in Central Park. The victim reported that her wallet was taken out of her purse while she was shopping at Hobby Lobby. The victim stated that she had her purse in the shopping cart while shopping and believes this is when it was taken. When she went to cancel her debit card, she was notified of fraudulent transactions that had taken place at the Central Park Target. The officer investigating the larceny spoke with Loss Prevention at Target and was able to obtain video surveillance of the suspects using the victims debit card.