September Is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month


(Fredericksburg)- Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month is September. A year ago we met for the first time Ceili Leahy of Fredericksburg. After battling cancer for a second time, the former JM and UVA student shared with us her decision to end treatment. She also told us she’d like to visit the Rocky Mountains one more time with her family.

In just over one day our listeners and the community responded with a plane, money for fuel and funds to just time together as a family. It was breathtaking to see.

Ceili passed away earlier this year. But she left a legacy. In her last months she showed us how to live and die. Her parents, John and Leslie, started a scholarship in her name at James Monroe High School and have remained active in the community.

Each month families in the community receive news about their children or other family members or someone they know who has received a diagnosis. We’re fortunate around here for local groups dedicated to looking out for kids and their families–The Fairygodmother project: or the Grace Oughton Cancer Foundation:
